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  • SEDANO Project aim to understand the origin of the glacial depositional systems found offshore the Pacific margin of the Antarctic Peninsula. Four main glacial depositional systems have been identified. Geophysical surveys were carried out during these two projects The cores collected in this area characterise the sediment drifts as composed by fine-grained, poorly-sorted sediments, sourced from turbidity currents generated on the continental slope. To elucidate the role of dispersal and redistribution of sediments by bottom currents, three one-year long bottom current records in the area of the mound 7 were collected as well as nine CTD measurements collected in the same area . It is worthwhile noting the importance of this data set, constituting the first current measurements available in the Pacific margin of the Antarctic Peninsula. The aim of this work threefold: to infer which are the major large scale processes that govern bottom current regime, to understand the Bottom Boundary Layer (BBL) dynamics, and to assess the potential for resuspension induced by the measured currents.

  • SEDANO Project aim to understand the origin of the glacial depositional systems found offshore the Pacific margin of the Antarctic Peninsula. Four main glacial depositional systems have been identified. Geophysical surveys were carried out during these two projects The cores collected in this area characterise the sediment drifts as composed by fine-grained, poorly-sorted sediments, sourced from turbidity currents generated on the continental slope. To elucidate the role of dispersal and redistribution of sediments by bottom currents, three one-year long bottom current records in the area of the mound 7 were collected as well as nine CTD measurements collected in the same area . It is worthwhile noting the importance of this data set, constituting the first current measurements available in the Pacific margin of the Antarctic Peninsula. The aim of this work threefold: to infer which are the major large scale processes that govern bottom current regime, to understand the Bottom Boundary Layer (BBL) dynamics, and to assess the potential for resuspension induced by the measured currents.

  • SEDANO Project aim to understand the origin of the glacial depositional systems found offshore the Pacific margin of the Antarctic Peninsula. Four main glacial depositional systems have been identified. Geophysical surveys were carried out during these two projects The cores collected in this area characterise the sediment drifts as composed by fine-grained, poorly-sorted sediments, sourced from turbidity currents generated on the continental slope. To elucidate the role of dispersal and redistribution of sediments by bottom currents, three one-year long bottom current records in the area of the mound 7 were collected as well as nine CTD measurements collected in the same area . It is worthwhile noting the importance of this data set, constituting the first current measurements available in the Pacific margin of the Antarctic Peninsula. The aim of this work threefold: to infer which are the major large scale processes that govern bottom current regime, to understand the Bottom Boundary Layer (BBL) dynamics, and to assess the potential for resuspension induced by the measured currents.

  • SEDANO Project aim to understand the origin of the glacial depositional systems found offshore the Pacific margin of the Antarctic Peninsula. Four main glacial depositional systems have been identified. Geophysical surveys were carried out during these two projects The cores collected in this area characterise the sediment drifts as composed by fine-grained, poorly-sorted sediments, sourced from turbidity currents generated on the continental slope. To elucidate the role of dispersal and redistribution of sediments by bottom currents, three one-year long bottom current records in the area of the mound 7 were collected as well as nine CTD measurements collected in the same area . It is worthwhile noting the importance of this data set, constituting the first current measurements available in the Pacific margin of the Antarctic Peninsula. The aim of this work threefold: to infer which are the major large scale processes that govern bottom current regime, to understand the Bottom Boundary Layer (BBL) dynamics, and to assess the potential for resuspension induced by the measured currents.

  • SEDANO Project aim to understand the origin of the glacial depositional systems found offshore the Pacific margin of the Antarctic Peninsula. Four main glacial depositional systems have been identified. Geophysical surveys were carried out during these two projects The cores collected in this area characterise the sediment drifts as composed by fine-grained, poorly-sorted sediments, sourced from turbidity currents generated on the continental slope. To elucidate the role of dispersal and redistribution of sediments by bottom currents, three one-year long bottom current records in the area of the mound 7 were collected as well as nine CTD measurements collected in the same area . It is worthwhile noting the importance of this data set, constituting the first current measurements available in the Pacific margin of the Antarctic Peninsula. The aim of this work threefold: to infer which are the major large scale processes that govern bottom current regime, to understand the Bottom Boundary Layer (BBL) dynamics, and to assess the potential for resuspension induced by the measured currents.

  • SEDANO Project aim to understand the origin of the glacial depositional systems found offshore the Pacific margin of the Antarctic Peninsula. Four main glacial depositional systems have been identified. Geophysical surveys were carried out during these two projects The cores collected in this area characterise the sediment drifts as composed by fine-grained, poorly-sorted sediments, sourced from turbidity currents generated on the continental slope. To elucidate the role of dispersal and redistribution of sediments by bottom currents, three one-year long bottom current records in the area of the mound 7 were collected as well as nine CTD measurements collected in the same area . It is worthwhile noting the importance of this data set, constituting the first current measurements available in the Pacific margin of the Antarctic Peninsula. The aim of this work threefold: to infer which are the major large scale processes that govern bottom current regime, to understand the Bottom Boundary Layer (BBL) dynamics, and to assess the potential for resuspension induced by the measured currents.

  • SEDANO Project aim to understand the origin of the glacial depositional systems found offshore the Pacific margin of the Antarctic Peninsula. Four main glacial depositional systems have been identified. Geophysical surveys were carried out during these two projects The cores collected in this area characterise the sediment drifts as composed by fine-grained, poorly-sorted sediments, sourced from turbidity currents generated on the continental slope. To elucidate the role of dispersal and redistribution of sediments by bottom currents, three one-year long bottom current records in the area of the mound 7 were collected as well as nine CTD measurements collected in the same area . It is worthwhile noting the importance of this data set, constituting the first current measurements available in the Pacific margin of the Antarctic Peninsula. The aim of this work threefold: to infer which are the major large scale processes that govern bottom current regime, to understand the Bottom Boundary Layer (BBL) dynamics, and to assess the potential for resuspension induced by the measured currents.

  • SEDANO Project aim to understand the origin of the glacial depositional systems found offshore the Pacific margin of the Antarctic Peninsula. Four main glacial depositional systems have been identified. Geophysical surveys were carried out during these two projects The cores collected in this area characterise the sediment drifts as composed by fine-grained, poorly-sorted sediments, sourced from turbidity currents generated on the continental slope. To elucidate the role of dispersal and redistribution of sediments by bottom currents, three one-year long bottom current records in the area of the mound 7 were collected as well as nine CTD measurements collected in the same area . It is worthwhile noting the importance of this data set, constituting the first current measurements available in the Pacific margin of the Antarctic Peninsula. The aim of this work threefold: to infer which are the major large scale processes that govern bottom current regime, to understand the Bottom Boundary Layer (BBL) dynamics, and to assess the potential for resuspension induced by the measured currents.

  • SEDANO Project aim to understand the origin of the glacial depositional systems found offshore the Pacific margin of the Antarctic Peninsula. Four main glacial depositional systems have been identified. Geophysical surveys were carried out during these two projects The cores collected in this area characterise the sediment drifts as composed by fine-grained, poorly-sorted sediments, sourced from turbidity currents generated on the continental slope. To elucidate the role of dispersal and redistribution of sediments by bottom currents, three one-year long bottom current records in the area of the mound 7 were collected as well as nine CTD measurements collected in the same area . It is worthwhile noting the importance of this data set, constituting the first current measurements available in the Pacific margin of the Antarctic Peninsula. The aim of this work threefold: to infer which are the major large scale processes that govern bottom current regime, to understand the Bottom Boundary Layer (BBL) dynamics, and to assess the potential for resuspension induced by the measured currents.

  • Categories  

    The “Cocal” IoT system is a real-time and low-cost air quality Vehicle Sensor Network that covers the whole path from data acquisition to data access and web-mapping. Cocal consists of a set of crowdsensing low-cost IoT devices installed on voluntary mobile platforms, such as private cars and buses from the local transportation authority Trieste Trasporti. Each platform acquires geolocated environmental measurements (PM10, PM2.5, temperature, pressure, relative humidity...) which are transmitted via GSM and LoRaWAN to an IT infrastructure able to reconstruct in real time a web based interactive geographic map of the distribution of pollutants. The entire system uses open source software and hardware and all the data that has been collected is completely open and accessible within a FAIR perspective.